Nav Vrindavan Varnashrama Farm, Jammu Kashmir, India

Prabhu ji please accept humble Prnaam. This is Keshav Das from Nav Vrindavan Varnashrama farm Jammu kashmir India.

I begin my journey in Iskcon Jammu in year 1997 ,In the year 2000 got final order book from Adri Prabhu Iskcon Kolkata,by their reference I reached Iskcon Bangalore,after serving around one decade as bramchari in the year 2010 entered household life. 2011 krishna given one son and to trained him in vedic culture 2012 shifted to Vrindavan ,after serving more than one decade, I shifted with my wife and son to Jammu kashmir at my father’s 5 acer land to work on Varnashrama life ,krishi Gauraksha. [Read More…]

Things I Trust (Meme)

(by Vibhisana Vidura Vani)

Altruism: Temporary and Eternal

In 1972, the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh was stricken by a severe drought that affected millions. Hoping that the International Society for Krishna Consciousness would provide assistance, T. L. Katidia, Secretary of the Andhra Pradesh Relief Fund Committee, wrote to Śrīla Prabhupāda. Śrīla Prabhupāda responded with this surprising and edifying letter. [Read More…]

On Changing Words (Meme)

Real Success in Life is ante nārāyaṇa-smṛti—remembering the Holy Name, Attributes, Activities and Form of the Lord at the Time of Death

When Mahārāja Nābhi worshipped and offered prayers to the Lord with great faith and devotion and with a pure and uncontaminated mind, superficially performing some yajña in the line of Pravargya, the kind Supreme Personality of Godhead, due to His affection for His devotees, appeared before King Nābhi in His unconquerable and captivating form with four hands.

The priests in Mahārāja Nābhi’s sacrificial arena appreciated the personal presence of the Supreme Lord Viṣṇu, and they considered themselves very much obliged. The Lord’s appearance is rare even for great saintly persons who have become completely detached from this material world and whose hearts are clean due to constantly chanting the glories of the Lord. Such people are satisfied by chanting the transcendental qualities of the Lord. The Lord’s personal presence is not actually required. The priests are pointing out that the Lord’s personal presence is very rare even for such elevated sages but that He was so kind to them that now He was personally present. Therefore the priests were very much obliged.

ṛtvijaḥ ūcuḥ—the priests said: [Read More…]


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