“Because you have committed an Offense, may you immediately become a śūdra, devoid of Beauty.”

From the Seventh Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Instructions for Civilized Human Beings.”


Text 72

Nārada Muni continued: Being invited to that festival, I also joined, and, surrounded by women, I began musically singing the glories of the demigods. Because of this, the prajāpatis, the great demigods in charge of the affairs of the universe, forcefully cursed me with these words: “Because you have committed an offense, may you immediately become a śūdra, devoid of beauty.”


As far as kīrtana is concerned, the śāstras say, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁ viṣṇoḥ: [SB 7.5.23] one should chant the glories of the Supreme Lord and the holy name of the Supreme Lord. This is clearly stated. Śravaṇaṁ kīrtanaṁviṣṇoḥ: one should chant about and glorify Lord Viṣṇu, not any demigod. Unfortunately, there are foolish persons who invent some process of kīrtana on the basis of a demigod’s name. This is an offense. Kīrtana means glorifying the Supreme Lord, not any demigod. [Read More…]

Yikes (Meme)

(by Vibhisana Vidura Vani)



Sometimes, because of our bad Luck, this Movement is stopped…

….but Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and His servants again start the movement for the benefit of the entire word or, indeed, the entire universe.


From the Seventh Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Instructions for Civilized Human Beings.” Text 71

One may actually become successful in spiritual consciousness by the mercy of devotees, or one may fall from spiritual consciousness by being disrespectful to devotees. In this regard, Nārada Muni narrated the history of how he had fallen from the Gandharva kingdom, how he was born in a śūdra family, and how by serving exalted brāhmaṇas he became the son of Lord Brahmā and was reinstated in his transcendental position. [Read More…]

The Pāṇḍavas are a practical Example of how to live in Security and Safety by the Grace of Kṛṣṇa

From the Seventh Canto, Fifteenth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Instructions for Civilized Human Beings.” Text 68

Nārada Muni praised the mercy received from the Lord by the Pāṇḍavas and MahārājaYudhiṣṭhira, after hearing from Nārada, became ecstatic in love of Kṛṣṇa,


Nārada Muni encouraged Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira by saying,

“O King Yudhiṣṭhira, because of your service to the Supreme Lord, all of you Pāṇḍavas defeated the greatest dangers posed by numerous kings and demigods. By serving the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa, you conquered great enemies, who were like elephants, and thus you collected ingredients for sacrifice. By His grace, may you be delivered from material involvement.”

Placing himself as an ordinary householder, Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira inquired from Nārada Muni how a gṛha-mūḍha-dhī, a person who is entangled in household life and who thus continues to remain a fool, can be delivered. Nārada Muni encouraged Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira by saying, “You are already on the safe side because you, along with your entire family, have become a pure devotee of Kṛṣṇa.” [Read More…]

Śrī Dāmodarāṣṭakaṁ (with text)

Damodar Masa - offering lights to Krishna

Yasoda - Krishna      Lord Damodar - Krishna

This song is sung during the Month of Kartik, also known as the month of Damodara. As quoted in the Sri Hari-Bhakti-Vilasa, “In the month of Kartika one should worship Lord Damodara and daily recite the prayer known as Damodarastaka, which has been spoken by the sage Satyavrata and which attracts Lord Damodara. (Sri Hari-bhakti-vilasa 2.16.198).”

Śrī Śrī Dāmodarāṣṭakaṁ
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श्री श्री दामोदराष्टकं

नमामीश्वरं सच्-चिद्-आनन्द-रूपं
लसत्-कुण्डलं गोकुले भ्राजमनम्
यशोदा-भियोलूखलाद् धावमानं
परामृष्टम् अत्यन्ततो द्रुत्य गो

namāmīśvaraṁ sac-cid-ānanda-rūpaṁ
lasat-kuṇḍalaṁ gokule bhrājamanam
yaśodā-bhiyolūkhalād dhāvamānaṁ
parāmṛṣṭam atyantato drutya gopyā ॥ 1॥

रुदन्तं मुहुर् नेत्र-युग्मं मृजन्तम्
कराम्भोज-युग्मेन सातङ्क-नेत्रम्
मुहुः श्वास-कम्प-त्रिरेखाङ्क-कण्ठ
स्थित-ग्रैवं दामोदरं भक्ति-बद्धम् ॥ २॥

rudantaṁ muhur netra-yugmaṁ mṛjantam
karāmbhoja-yugmena sātaṅka-netram
muhuḥ śvāsa-kampa-trirekhāṅka-kaṇṭha
sthita-graivaṁ dāmodaraṁ bhakti-baddham ॥ 2॥

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